I doubt that I have the proper certification to answer this query, but I do have rights that allow me to say what I want. With those rights come responsibility and accountability. There are a couple of down sides to being able to say what you want to when you want to. One is, the shit you say ought to be free of libel and slander otherwise someone else will use a right and sue the shit out of you. The other is, you might be issued as ass whoopin. With that said, please don't sue me and I ain't afraid of your ass whoopin.
Moving forward, I guess the answer to the question depends on whom the question is asked. For me, its pretty simple. In my life time, I don't know if the country has ever been more divided than it is today. We've gone on to label everything and every one. The issues are either liberal or conservative and you are either a "libtard" or a "tea-bagger". And, as long as we are all preoccupied with bullshit, we don't have the time to address the other issues. The following are my opinions on what is wrong with this county.
The election process is a joke. It's antiquated and its full of corruption just like everything else having anything else to do with politics. There is too much money involved and politicians are easily bought and sold in seedy back room deals. Take a good look at how many millionaires there are in politics right now. Get a gander at their net worth if they've been around for a while and tell me these people aren't selling out.
So there's that level of dishonesty and then there's this one. Lying. Lying is part of every day politics. Harry Reid has come out and said that he lies all of the time and that fucking guy has been re-elected dozens of times! Now that we've entered another election cycle we have to be prepared for more lies, but were not. We don't do anything with them We certainly don't hold liars accountable. Nope. We elect them.
The Democrats are going to lie about the Republicans. The Republicans are going to lie about the Democrats and in order to get the nomination of your respective party, you've got to make shit up about the people vying for the same position you are. What makes matters worse is, once you get your parties nomination, you have to choose a running mate. Quite often it is out of the group of no good for nothing sons-a-bitches you bellyached about for the 16 months leading up to the election!
Here's the breakdown of this entire situation:
1. A known liar gets nominated from his respective party.
2. This liar picks another liar out of a pool of liars as a running mate.
3. The election process is over when the electoral college says it is and the popular means jack shit.
4. The President takes office and you either like him or hate him but it has nothing to do with what
fucking matters. It has everything to do with is party affiliation.
5. Presidential lies (or should we call them "short comings") end up being exposed.
6. If you're from that particular party, you kind of ignore them as if nothing happened.
7. If your from the opposing party you are up in arms over the lies and misrepresentation! You're
livid! You'd rather have your lying shit bag of a human in office!
8. If the President is from your party, you blame all of the nation's problems on the last President
who by the way was also a liar.
As Americans, we pretend to be fed up with the process but we continue to do the same old shit time and time again. We keep electing liars and expect the truth. We elect dishonorable people and expect honor or integrity. It's laughable. How can you be fed up with a process that you continue to put up with?
Seriously. Haven't you gotten rid of "friends" who consistently lie to you? I have. I've gotten rid of employees who've 'misrepresented' the truth so why would I not hold people who are supposed to represent me to those very same standards? As a nation, we don't. We don't care enough about being told the truth by the people who represent us, I guess.
I'm trying to work this out in my head. Why would I be part of the problem by contributing to the problem and then complain about the problem? It seems counter productive to me. (Its like having your kitchen on fire and you are throwing bacon grease on it expecting it to go out.)
I don't think I can participate in the shit show any longer. It's stop voting or vote like the sheep.
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