Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A gun at a Little League game.....


If you haven't already gone to the link above, I urge you to do so before reading any further.  Listen to the video feed presented and read the article.  All of the information needed to find any resolution in regards to this situation is presented.

If you've decided to copy and paste the link into your browser, I want to set this up for you.

Imagine going to your son/daughters Little League Baseball Game.  It's a beautiful day for a ball game, and both teams are gathering on the ball field to warm up.  In attendance are of course 12-14 kids on each time, maybe some of their littler brothers and sisters who are playing in the park, parents, a few coaches and at least one umpire.  It is all that "Little League" is supposed to be.

As the teams are warming up, one parent notices a "suspicious" guy in the parking lot, and he has a holstered pistol.  The guy is walking around a little bit and one, then another and even more parents call 911 to alert law enforcement of this suspicious man and his activities.  (I believe the article says there were 22 calls into 911 dispatch.)

The news clip attached to the link depicts one mother who said that the man was "walking around flaunting his gun."  She went on as far as to alter the way she was walking to look "imposing" like a guy walking around with a gun.  She added something along the lines of, "Hey look!  I've got a gun".  (Important fact to remember is that the gun was holstered.)

This woman said that all of the parents were so scared that they rounded up all of the kids and brought them to the dug out (which was made of chain link fence... totally and completely penetrable) and then formed a human wall to protect the children....  Are you still with me?

Police arrive on the scene and interview the man.  It turns out that the man had every legal right to carry the gun.  He did have a permit to carry.  He was not being intimidating or menacing (like the above lady would have you believe).  He made no outlandish gestures nor made any offensive postures.  Nothing the man did was illegal, so they rightfully let him go.

Now, I'd like to verify that I was not there so I don't know what really happened but I want to take a stab at a few things regarding the story.  I played Little League for about 8 years.  I was also fortunate enough to be a "Little League Dad" for an additional 6 years or so and loved watching my boys play ball.  If any situation presented itself to be so scarey, so potentially violent... I would have grabbed my kids and as many others as I could have and made a straight line to the family truckster and hit the frigging road.  NEVER in a million years, if I were so scared for my children's safety, the safety of the other kids and parents would I have gathered them all in one very confined place, (especially a chain link dug out) if I thought a mad man with a gun was going to cut loose and add another massacre to the nightly news.  Me and mine would have been out like disco, baby.  No looking back, either.  Nobody's life is worth risking.

But as I look at this scenario unfolding, I see myself doing something completely different.  I'm no hero, but I am a gun guy.  If I saw this same man with a gun, not intimidating anyone, not being menacing, I believe I would have approached him.  I believe I would have opened a dialog with this individual to try to get a barometer, some kind of feel for what I thought the guy was up to.

"Hey man, how are you today?"  I would have asked.  I would continue to pay attention to how the man reacted to my question, payed attention to his body language and waited for his answer.  Maybe I am naive or maybe I am okay with my people skills.  If he was calm, cool and collected, naturally I would be too.  I see great potential for this conversation leading up to me asking the guy if he were a CWP carrier and would inform him that I was too. Perhaps in an effort to let the guy know that I was on his side, I would have asked what he was carrying. I'd probably add what I often carry, maybe even make mention of the preferred ammo I run through my carry gun.  I would then tell the guy that I had a group of concerned citizens behind me, none of which appear to be pro gun/pro 2nd Amendment, that are a little nervous and would have asked the guy to either conceal with gun or maybe even try to convince him to lock the gun up in his console or whatever.

Could this go bad?  Hell yeah!  Especially if the guy had ill intentions.  But from the information gathered, this guy was like you or I.  Difference was, he is packing.  (That is not a big deal for me, because I know he was packing.  I've always been more concerned with the guns I could not see.)
Again, this man was breaking no laws.  He was not intimidating anyone.  He was not menacing or harassing anyone.... just a guy in a park.  The cops showed up to check him out.  He was compliant.  No brainer, end of the story..."PLAY BALL!!!!"

Ever since I became aware of this story, I keep replaying in my mind the thought of this one mother, who was so scared.  Why in the world did she not grab her kid and leave?  She was obviously trying to protect her kid and perhaps others so much so that they gathered into probably the worst spot that they could have.  But being so scared that you don't leave?  I don't get it....


Growing up in Las Vegas, I had the misfortune to have been shot at 2 times in drive by shootings.  One was at my high school and the other at the fair.  Fortunately enough, I was not injured but you can bet your ass that I didn't just stand there!  Duck and cover, get small, keep moving became my mantra.  If I had an idea that this was about to happen, I'd have made like a fetus and headed out.

I've been discussing this situation with quite a few people.  A lot of people are hung up on the fact that "this could have been bad", whereas I see it just the opposite and I believe the facts stand in my favor.  Everything about this situation screams NOTHING HAPPENED.  Everything about this situation says IT WAS ALL LEGAL.  Yes the guy had a gun.  It could have turned out bad, IF THE GUY HAD ILL INTENTIONS.... but he didn't.

I guess the thought of this man armed with a gun had the potential to create another massacre and it is too much to let go of.  He was also equipped to be a rapist and that didn't happen either.  Just a man in the park.....

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Dear Bubba?

I'm curiously surprised at the relative success that I've achieved with this blog.  More people than I could have ever imagined tune in regularly to find out what I am going off on.  I've touched on subjects from the mundane to controversial and still receive encouragement to reach out further, to dive in a little deeper with more subjects.  The amount of support I've received has been my biggest encouragement, and I thank each and every one of you who continues to tune in.

As you may be aware, I've not been too busy writing lately, but this recent call to service has piqued my interest and I think I owe it to you to pay this some attention.  In the last 2 months, I've received at least a dozen inquiries for me to help show some people the light and be their "beacon of hope" with some difficult situations in their lives.  The following are a couple of the questions I've received and the answers I provided.  I hope all of you find the value in this and I encourage you to write in with your problems.  And for the record, I am not really qualified to offer the quality of help that say, "Dear Abby" provides, but I do have a level of life experiences that can perhaps fill in some of the gaps that "Abby" might not be able to touch upon.

March 21, 2014
Dear Bubba,

Do you know the difference between the colors pink and purple?

Color Blind

Dear Color Blind,

Thanks for your inquiry and I believe I do have the expertise to provide you with some valuable information.  The difference between the colors pink and purple are due to the strength of your grip.  Stop choking your chicken so hard.  You're doing something real wrong.  "Lubricate before masturbate."


March 31, 2014
Dear Bubba,

My fiance proposed to me this New Years Eve and we are busy planning an early Fall wedding.  I am very thankful for the amount of time and effort that "Jim" has put in during the planning process, but it seems as if we've come to a stand still pertaining to the wedding announcements. 

The date, time and place have all been confirmed but we are in a big fight over which calligrapher to hire.  One option is a family member while the other is a professional, but both are requesting a large sum of money.  What would you decide?

Soon to be

Dear Soon to be,

This is a problem for you, eh?  Jesus.....  Here's what you do.  Depending on where you live, you probably have a few children in the neighborhood.  Pick a kid older than 6 (because they tend to write more legibly) and buy him/her a brand new box of crayons and dose him/her up with a bunch of Nyquil.  Crayons and Nyquil will cost you $7.00 max, and the more Nyquil your little artist consumes means the less legible the writing will be.  That means addresses and names will get all screwed up, people will not receive the announcements and you'll save money on the other end when there are less people at the reception drinking up the open bar tab.


April 9, 2014

Dear Bubba,

My best friend Mike and I have been friends all of our lives.  We grew up together, played sports together, went to the same schools and up until recently we literally did everything together.  About 2 weeks ago, Mike moved into a new house and had a giant house warming party that I was not invited too.  Considering our history, I am really confused.  Did I say or do something wrong?


Dear Confused,

Buy a cat, pussy!


(I hope everyone found some value in the questions and answers above.  If you have a question for "Dear Bubba", respond to this blog post.)

Sunday, April 20, 2014

An American's Call to Action....

"20 Weird Things About America That American's Don't Realize Are Weird" was a piece written from a foreigner that apparently finds Americans and the things we do, weird.  My friend Dorothy brought this to my attention and I am honored that she thought I was the right man to address this, speaking for all American's.

I am going to list everything in this list and address them as I go.  I hope everyone finds my reaction to each item appropriate.

1.  "Portion sizes"
     You've got a problem with our portion sizes?  Are they too big?  Too gluttonous?  Piss off!  Most
      of us are fortunate enough in this country that we don't have to survive on one snail or one crepe.
     Better than that, if you are a decent person in this country and not a dick head, we'd probably
     invite you over to eat.... if you were not a judgemental dick head.  You are.  Piss off!

2. " Flags everywhere"
     You're God damned right.  We fly our flags in solidarity.  We are a nation, together, and we don't
     hide our national pride from anyone.  Listen up...  When something goes wrong in your country,
     you call upon America or the U.N. (which is largely funded by guess who?  That's right jack ass.
     America!)  Why don't you get together as a country?  Why don't you find something to be proud
     of?  Why don't you grow a pair and stand up for something other than try to pick on someone who
     is capable of removing your country from the map?  Don't worry, though.  We typically don't do
     that, but I will ask you to review WWII and the outcome.  Seems like we get shit handled.

3.  "Price tags without tax included.  How do you know how much you're spending until you get to the
     cash register?"
     It's called math, jack ass.  Any American smarter than celery knows basic math or has the ability
     to do an estimate.  Normally we are really close with our estimates because of simple math theory.
     This is further proof that we are not as stupid as you think we are.  You're complaining.  We aren't.
     While you're at it, piss off!

4.  "Tipping:  It was incredibly hard for me to wrap my head around how much is appropriate for the
     Again, dunce.  Simple math and we couldn't really expect you to actually have to think for
     yourself.  Let us do it for you.  In a restaurant, go 20% or go home.  And if you're going home, do
     it fast.  If you can't figure out 20%, leave a minimum of a $20 bill.  If your total bill is $147 (with
     tax, you pussy), move the decimal point on position to the left then multiply by 2.  Simple
     enough?  Sure it is and that's why you can't handle it.  You expect to be told what to do at home
     and you really don't deserve the freedom to think on your own.  And, piss off!

5.  "Advertising prescription drugs"
     We do this for 2 reasons.  To aggravate you and to irritate you.  We also know how to operate
     the t.v. and its volume control.  If we don't want to listen to it, we turn it down.  Again, it's
     about choices here and we can't expect you to understand.  You are told what to do, when to do
     it and to be happy about it.  You are, and you're an idiot for it.  Grow a pair, think for yourself and
     piss off!

6. " Everything being designed around cars"
     What does that mean?  Do you think we design dirt roads for pick up trucks and S.U.V's?  We do,
     and it keeps your dumb ass Renault the hell out of our way.  Do we design long straight away's so
     we can open up the throttle a little?  You're damned right.  Germans have the Autobahn and you're
     not complaining about that.... is that left over fear of Hitler?  Pussy....

7.  "The sheer amount of commercials on t.v"
     You know what?  You got me on that one, but this too is a simple concept.  We have a consumer
     based economy and we understand that.  Big companies with big products advertise the shit out
     of that.  When your dumb ass shows up, we feel obligated to show you what product is probably
     a better option because we know you aren't smart enough to figure out how to tip.  We're doing
     you a favor, you ungrateful shit.  Get with the program, figure out the volume control button on
     the remote control and shut your escargot hole!  Got it?

8.  "Aerosol cheese "that shit looks like cancer"
     Its almost a delicacy here.  If you don't like it, don't eat it!  Whats the matter with you idiots?
     Nobody is making you eat anything here.  You can choose and what do you choose?  To complain,
     just like a sissy.  Quit eating bugs and live a little.  Put that shit on a cracker and chew it up.
     Piss off, commie!

9. " A visiting Italian friend was puzzled at the American's use of the phrase, "Oh really?"  "The guy
     was red in the face because he thought everyone in the group was challenging everything he said."
     This is going to be difficult for you to grasp, but we might not have been able to get around your
     stupid accent or, sometimes we question some of the shit that is said and need to hear something
     to back up some claims.  You talk through your ass all of the time, and every query above kind of
     proves that.  There is a good possibility that we just don't believe you, nor do we trust you.  You
     say and do shit as a country that gets your collective asses in trouble, and when that happens you
     call upon us Americans to bail your ass out.  What we are trying to do is see if this is a worthy
      cause.  It's normally not, but we defend your honor anyhow, because you can't do it yourself.  Do
     you feel more like a sissy now for all of your complaining?  That's how you look to us....

10.  "Your toilets are too low to the ground and you have massive gaps around the door so people can
       see in."
       You're taking a dump, you idiot.  Nobody want's to watch you take a dump, you fecophiliac.  Go
       to the bathroom and get your ass out of our toilet you lazy sick bastards.  Eat more meat and
       you'd have the strength and muscle structure to stand up.  And to think you call us lazy?  You're a
       pussy.  Quit complaining about us and start complaining about being a pussy.  We'd understand
       that about you.

11.  "Pickles.  You guys give a pickle with everything"
       No we don't you lying sack of shit!  Cereal?  Nope.  Spaghetti?  Nope.  An omelette?  Never.
       The list goes on, and as usual, you are wrong.  You're not smart enough to realize that, but we do
       and it at least partially explains why we kind of don't like you.  Lying sucks and most of us hate
       liars, so perhaps now you'll understand why we want you to spend your money as fast as you can
       here and then leave faster than you got here.  No big deal.  Now piss off!

12.  "I find it kind of weird that college football players are considered athletes."
       We find it weird that you don't.  Ones athletic prowess is celebrated here.  We brag brag about
       that shit and it gives us something to argue about with friends.  No, I don't expect you to
       understand that, because you don't have any friends.  If you weren't so conceited, someone might
       want to hang out with your ass, but you are too opinionated, you serve shitty food, you lie out
       your ass, you smell bad and you really don't know shit about shit.  Nobody likes you, even your
       own people.  Don't fool yourself.  You're a douche, and we'll be happy to point that fact out.

13.  "Jay walking is a crime"
       So is a lot of other things.  It's a crime only because we are trying to not allow dumb asses the
       opportunity to step into traffic and end it all.  I don't know why we give a shit really, unless it
       has to do with that dumb ass comment you made about our cars.  We don't want to fuck our cars
       up on some ass hat that doesn't have the common sense to use a crosswalk or not step out into
       traffic!  Did I clear that one up for you, jack ass?

14.  "Why is bread in the USA so sweet?  It tastes like cake."
        Have you ever had cake?  How about we punch you in the eye every time you eat bread here?
        I find it ridiculous that you would be offended by bread, so a good stiff jab in the eye or throat
        would give you something to complain about.  You'd have it coming, but that punch in the eye
        or throat would be worthy of a complaint, not the bread.... you pussy!

15.  "Soft drink is free flowing everywhere"
       Go to New York.  Those pussies are trying to regulate everything.  You'd fit in good there, if
       a New Yorker with his salt would not just go ahead and beat your complaining ass!  Have a Coke
       and a smile and shut the fuck up.

16.  "You're all so loud, but friendly."
       Only a foreigner would complain about someone being friendly.  Go home, do it now.  We don't
       appreciate your condescending attitude.  The reason we are loud is to drown out your dumb ass
       accents and opinions.  We don't even really like the different accents present in our own country.
       We make fun of each other all of the time.  We even sometimes kill one another, but its because
       we love one another, so fucking much!  It's all about love here, so piss off.

17.  "There's so much water in your toilet bowls"
       Is that even a valid complaint?  If you think it is, I'll offer you this.  We don't like skid marks in
       the toilet.  Sometimes it does aggravate us when that one little drop of water jumps up and hits
       our squeeker hole when we drop a deuce, but that beats the brown swirly mark in the bottom of
      the shitter.  Understood, dumby?

18.  "A very blase` approach to credit card security.  Nobody uses a pin"
       You're lying again.  This is why we hate you and are superior to you in every fashion.

19.  "The Pledge of Allegiance is creepy"
      Say that out loud amongst any Service member or most any American and you'll get your ass
      whooped!  While I'm at it, fuck you!  Next!!!

20.  "Lawyer advertisements everywhere".
       Not everywhere.  I live in a town where there are none.  I guess you don't really mean
       "everywhere", and that "everywhere" is just a figure of speech.  So's this... Fuck off!

Maybe I'm old fashioned or maybe I have no tolerance for a group of assholes that complain all of the time about our country, and they can't wait to come visit.  They can't wait to come to this country and see how the real world lives.  Absolutely America has its faults and some of it starts by letting in anyone who is going to complain about the volume of water in our toilets.

In closing I would like to add the following.  No, I am not necessarily interested in doing any foreign affairs work but it is a discussion that I would entertain, if the money were good.  And if you foreigners don't like that?  Suck it.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

This one will require a disclaimer.....

As the title states, the following will require a disclaimer so I don't hurt any one's feelings.  The following is my impression on the subject matter and it is not meant to start a fight or create any hard feelings.  It is my opinion and I strongly encourage everyone who ever reads or listens to anything to develop their own opinions and not be afraid to discuss their opinions openly.

As well, I am okay with anyone having a relationship with Christ or whatever deity they prefer.  I don't care if you worship potato salad.  You have the right to do that in this country and that is a right I'd help you defend.

With that said, nothing in the world makes me want to blow my head off more than "Christian Radio". I began listening in order to better understand "Christians" and "Christianity".  Instead, I am now more confused than ever.  I've listened to hours of this stuff and I often hear contradiction.  Well, that and a bit of hypocrisy thrown in in an effort to keep me just that much further away from understanding anything.

I heard 2 things today that I can't wrap my head around.  #1.  You can't do anything without a healthy relationship with God.  #2.  You can't be anything without having a healthy relationship with God.

Being something and doing something has nothing to do with God.  It is about personal choice. Just recently a mega church pastor stepped down from the pulpit because he said he wasn't worthy of the position.  I"m not for sure what it was that this gentleman did, but if it was something along the lines of a sin.... good for him stepping down.  (If I were God, I'd approve of that.)  But I've also seen some of these preachers commit sin, drastically affect their families and their flock stay at the pulpit, adding that "we are all sinners and we are all human....."

I may be completely out of line here, but take a preacher who gets involved in an adulterous relationship or perhaps a child abuse situation.  These people before getting caught were saying things like "God is good, God is great" and from some of the things I've read and heard, these same people have used God to coerce people into their web of deceit.  My question is, if God is everywhere and God is all knowing, why didn't he kick you in the head before you did some of the horrible things you did?  Why would God allow you, a person of authority and someone most people would trust, to commit such egregious acts?

Personally, and from my own twisted belief in God, I think he/she would do something to intervene if he/she were all they were supposed to be.  I don't think the devil had anything to do with this.  That is an excuse and removes any accountability and would allow some to get back on the pulpit, to cry their story, "The devil made me do it, but I've repented and the good old me is back."  I say, horseshit.  You are the same old you.  You've ducked what you did by deflecting blame on a deity that can not be proved nor disproved and shirked all responsibility for what you've done. 

Now, the same old you is completely capable of changing your ways.  The same old you can become a person who does right, lives right and loves right... all without God, because it is ultimately up to you, the individual to choose to do right and to stick to it.  Maybe your faith in God holds you to it, but people who don't have God in their lives manage to live what would appear to be a Christian life.  The contribute to society, they are loving, caring, helpful.  They don't lie, they don't cheat,  and they don't harm and or kill people.  It's because they chose to live this way.

Something else that stuck me as weird today was that the person conducting the show I was listening to told a story of a friend who was involved in the church came out as gay.  He confessed his sin and his love for Jesus Christ and "prayed the gay away".  This person confessed that this person is now married and has a couple of kids.  Does anyone really believe that shit?  Secondly, what does it matter if this guy were gay?  Who would it matter too?  And if you've got nothing else to think about other than the peoples lives around you, its time for your ass and the rest of you a hobby!

You can't catch the gay.  You can't catch stupid.  You can't catch genius.  You have it or you don't and none of its a disease.  Apparently God gave it to you.  I tend to believe that things just are.  There is an old saying that I tend to think about.  "It is what it is."  It's not an excuse, because things just ARE.

I'm of reasonable intelligence.  Maybe I am being a bit to gracious.  Anyways, I am no genius by any stretch of the imagination.  But I have solved some problems in groups of people where someone obviously had to be 'smarter" than I.  I have also done some incredibly stupid shit in my day.  And as for "the gay".  It's hard to convince people that don't know you that you aren't gay when there is a picture of your big ass wearing a pink tu-tu.  Gay people are people too and they should be given the same respect and rights that we all have.

I think I figured this out about Christianity.  Christianity is so convoluted and confusing that someone took it upon themselves to edit the "Old Testament" in order to come up with a more forgiving standard... the "New Testament".  And I get it.  With things like wearing cotton and leather at the same time being a sin, something had to be done about that shit.  A good Christian wouldn't just ignore it, would they?  If they did, they could repent on Sunday and get on with life, I guess.  But wouldn't it just be a hell of a lot easier to not be a douche bag and not have to try to excuse yourself?  Wouldn't it be easier to just do your best to live right and be able to excuse yourself when you screw up?  Wouldn't it be easier to accept that we are going to screw up and are supposed to learn from our mistakes?

I'm just saying, God doesn't really have anything to do with any of the above.  Its decisions, like Spaghetti O's or Ravioli?  Do right or do wrong?  If you need God to help you choose between Spaghetti O's or Ravioli, you are living way too complicated of a life.  You need a little more psychiatry and a little less bible... By all means, keep hold of the good book, but realize that you get to take credit for the shit you do, both good and bad.

By the way.  I am done with Christian radio....

Monday, April 7, 2014

Range war!

Clive Bundy, a cattle rancher out of Bunkerville, Nevada finds himself under siege of the government for not paying his grazing allotment fees.  This sounds like something that could have happened 100 or maybe even 50 years ago but it's actually happening as we speak.  There are so many things about this situation that intrigues me.  (You can read about it in the Las Vegas Review Journal.)

Mr. Bundy decided in 1993 that he would quit paying for his grazing allotment because he "didn't like how the government was spending his money".  I completely understand not liking how the government spends money.  What I don't get is this.  Apparently the Bundy family had been paying for the grazing allotment up until 1993, so apparently things were shits and laughs at that point.  But at that point, he decides to not pay....  What I don't get is how he feels HE is granted sole rights to property that he doesn't own.  Worse than that, he entered into a contract of his own free will.  A contract that obligated him to pay to use land for his own benefit.  To me, this is a "no brainer".  You enter a contract with a financial obligation, you break that contract by not paying... its time for you to give up what you were paying for regardless of whom you are dealing with.

Something else that bothers me is the position the government is taking.  They have closed down all 600,000 acres of this area to round up this mans cattle.  It is a bit of a recreation area.  In fact, it is BLM land and we all should be able to use it.  Right this moment if you try to gain access, you'll either be arrested or shot.  What's equally as bothersome is that the government has gone as far as to establish "1st Amendment Rights" pens where you can lawfully protest this situation.  I was under the impression that our 1st Amendment rights were unalienable anywhere in the U.S.  Apparently not so in Bunkerville. 

Back to Bundy.  He claims to be a good steward of the land having spent his own money to make improvements like drilling wells that provide water not only to his cattle (which I believe is the sole reason he made said improvements) but for wild life as well.  He talks as if because of improvements and because of the time his family has used the land that his use should be grandfathered in.  Now he complains about the government coming in and kicking him out....  I wonder how the Native Americans felt about that shit a couple of hundred years ago.  If I'm not mistaken, that is traditional Paiute territory.  The Paiutes were graciously "given" a God forsaken 72,000 acres and told to stay there, basically.  How do these people feel? (Its the shittiest 72,000 acres in the state, if you ask me.)

Desert tortoise?  Yes sir.  The desert tortoise is playing a part in this situation as well.  This land is traditional desert tortoise habitat as well, and he/she is "protected".  It is the governments claim that the damage being done by the cattle means nothing but bad news for the tortoise.  But at the very same time, in turtle habitat that is in the same part of the Mojave Desert they (US government) are more than happy to bulldoze acres upon acres of this critical tortoise habitat for Solar Panel Farms.  There is no regard for the precious turtle when it comes to solar farms, but God forbid a cow to shit in the vicinity of a turtle burrow?  Gubmint?  You can't have it both ways, so quit being dicks and come up with something better than the turtle.  Just lie to us... were kind of used to it.

Oh, speaking of said turtle.  I spent a lot of time in the desert of southern Nevada.  I've hunted, fished and hiked all over that part of the country.  I've watched off road races get moved because of this tortoise.  Guess what I've never seen in the actual desert?  If you guessed the god damned desert tortoise you should be given a wonderful gift.  Scorpions, tarantulas, different species of snake, deer, mountain lions, quail, dove, road runners, lizards of all sorts, trap door spiders, black widows, coyotes.... I've seen all of that and then some, but never a turtle.  The first and second turtle I ever saw showed up in my back yard.  They can't open gates or hop fences, so they must have dug their way in. The house I grew up in is right in the middle of Las Vegas.  Why isn't someone telling these free loading ass turtles that its back out to the desert for them?  All of those burrows and no tortoise? 

Back to Bundy again.  I almost kind of feel for the guy.  Not because of his ignorance but because he is a rancher.  I've known a few ranchers in my day.  What I feel for is the image of the rancher.  These people work their asses off, and Bundy is supposedly worth a couple of million bucks so he has done that.  But the ranchers I know paid for their grazing allotments when they were supposed too.  They probably don't like the idea that much either, but its far easier to pay now rather than wait until you amassed a giant fee.

For me, the whole situation is premised in the initial contract that allowed Bundy to graze his cattle.  When he backed out of paying, he basically backed out of the deal.  That means its time to ride on, cowboy.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

"Stupid... Get your free stupid here! Hot dogs, pop corn, cracker jacks and stupid. Get your free stupid here"

Has anyone ever been to a professional baseball game?  It's been decades for me, but I used to love hearing the vendors holler out "Hot dogs!  Get your hot dogs here!"  There was just something to the saying and even if you didn't want a hot dog, you felt somehow obligated to buy a damned hot dog.

Today, I feel someone is pitching "free stupid".  Not that I am smarter than anyone, but I made a comment this morning on an article in the old home town paper.  The article pertained to a rancher who quit paying his grazing fee's on a 600,000 acre grazing allotment some 20 or so years ago and now the feds are going to round up all of his cattle and get them off the land.


Now, anyone who knows me knows that I am no real big on government infringement.  To me, the facts in this story are pretty simple however.  The ranch was apparently established in the 50's  This rancher decided in 1993 that he didn't like how the government was spending the money that he was paying in, and decided to stop.  (That also means that until 1993, they were paying fees....)  So, he quits paying the fees for about 20-21 years and you get what he is dealing with now.

I make a statement along the lines of, "you don't pay your fees like everyone else, sooner or later you're going to be dealing with the authorities.".  Some mental midget replies to that statement with this....  "so you're saying that if a girl is getting gang raped, all girls should be gang raped?".  Is that not the dumbest thing you've heard today? 

I had to ask this mouth breathing, bus window licking, helmet with no chin strap wearing lower life form just how in the hell he equated a woman being raped to a jack ass not paying fees as equals.  I also broke it to him that he was saying (according to his very own logic) that the "rapist" should get off with no fines, no prison time.

So I sat here for a good 2 hours and recanted everything I've heard today and I've heard some pretty dumb shit from some real assholes, but this clown takes the cake.  He has convinced he that someone is handing out "free stupid" by the olympic sized swinning pools, and he cornered the market on the shit.

Ladies and gentlemen, I will go on the record by saying this.  It is this brand of stupid that screws everything up in life.  With this brand of stupid, you cannot expect the dim wit saying shit like this to have an understanding about anything more complicated than "greater than/less than".  How do idiots like this dumb ass not drown on their own spit?  I'm surprised that an idiot this stupid doesn't suffocate because he doesn't remember to breathe. 

Folks, if you encounter this brand of stupid in person, you are obligated to purchase a copy of Dr. Seuss's "Go Dog Go" and offer the dunce a 3 minute reading lesson.  Its the only way this country will be able to pull its head out of its ass and head for true north.

My name is Brice Dudley, and I approve this message.

(Mr. Dudley does have a problem with the government shutting down 600,000 acres to the general public because of this dumb ass and the dumb ass plan to try to gather up his 500 head of cattle.  Something should have been done long before the 20 years and even a few dumb asses can come up with some kind of compromise.....)