Wednesday, August 6, 2014

"Trickle down economics....."

Jesus, more politics?  Really?  Yes... more politics.  I have a link to one of my home town news papers and there is a place where you can comment, discuss, or argue about the content of any or all of the articles.  As usual, politics is quite the hot bed and people get real mad real fast these days.

Anyhow, the original topic was something about local politics, which lead to national topics, which lead to all of the usual suspects.  Of course the President was brought up, his history, blah blah blah.  Naturally Bush was brought up along with his history.

Obama's unprecedented spending got whirled around like a pin wheel at a kindergarteners birthday party in a wind storm.  Naturally a lot of the numbers being knocked around were not traceable to any facts, as so often happens.  As equally likely, someone rushed to the defense of the President by calling "racism".

I'm not going to go any further with all of that silliness.  But I have to bring up how far back people are willing to go.  And I guess its okay, but "trickle down economics" was brought up.  Not only was it brought up but it was elaborated upon at great length.  Defend, deflect... but nobody take responsibility.

During the economic diatribe, we were told that only republicans are rich and only republicans benefit from these policies.  I simply asked, "where do rich democrats in office make their money?" and the person blew an o-ring.  This person started calling me names, tried to insult my family....  Mind you, they never answered the question.  That is normally where these things end up.  Somehow responsibility is always put on previous administrations.  (Liberals and conservatives alike did this during the last administration but just don't remember it too well.)

Here's the kicker, people.  I don't give a hairy rats ass who is in office.  You can spin it any way you want to, but I prefer to see this in a very simple manner.  As long as our politicians and media are going to be pinning us against each other, we are going to have a problem.  As long as we and our politicians sit and point fingers and lay blame without offering solutions to problems, our asses will stay right here.  We've gotten lazy.  Well, not us as much as our representatives.  We are paying these people to do nothing but throw fits like they do on elementary school play grounds.  They won't hold themselves accountable and it appears that we won't either.  Its just far easier to talk shit, point fingers and deal with the same thing election after election, day after day.

The only way we can hold these assholes accountable is to vote them out.  Here's were party line affiliation comes in.  Most republicans are going to vote republican, most democrats vote for democrats and we end up with the same turds in the same sewer.

No wonder why things don't get handled.  Look who we elect and re-elect from the bottom up!

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