Tuesday, April 8, 2014

This one will require a disclaimer.....

As the title states, the following will require a disclaimer so I don't hurt any one's feelings.  The following is my impression on the subject matter and it is not meant to start a fight or create any hard feelings.  It is my opinion and I strongly encourage everyone who ever reads or listens to anything to develop their own opinions and not be afraid to discuss their opinions openly.

As well, I am okay with anyone having a relationship with Christ or whatever deity they prefer.  I don't care if you worship potato salad.  You have the right to do that in this country and that is a right I'd help you defend.

With that said, nothing in the world makes me want to blow my head off more than "Christian Radio". I began listening in order to better understand "Christians" and "Christianity".  Instead, I am now more confused than ever.  I've listened to hours of this stuff and I often hear contradiction.  Well, that and a bit of hypocrisy thrown in in an effort to keep me just that much further away from understanding anything.

I heard 2 things today that I can't wrap my head around.  #1.  You can't do anything without a healthy relationship with God.  #2.  You can't be anything without having a healthy relationship with God.

Being something and doing something has nothing to do with God.  It is about personal choice. Just recently a mega church pastor stepped down from the pulpit because he said he wasn't worthy of the position.  I"m not for sure what it was that this gentleman did, but if it was something along the lines of a sin.... good for him stepping down.  (If I were God, I'd approve of that.)  But I've also seen some of these preachers commit sin, drastically affect their families and their flock stay at the pulpit, adding that "we are all sinners and we are all human....."

I may be completely out of line here, but take a preacher who gets involved in an adulterous relationship or perhaps a child abuse situation.  These people before getting caught were saying things like "God is good, God is great" and from some of the things I've read and heard, these same people have used God to coerce people into their web of deceit.  My question is, if God is everywhere and God is all knowing, why didn't he kick you in the head before you did some of the horrible things you did?  Why would God allow you, a person of authority and someone most people would trust, to commit such egregious acts?

Personally, and from my own twisted belief in God, I think he/she would do something to intervene if he/she were all they were supposed to be.  I don't think the devil had anything to do with this.  That is an excuse and removes any accountability and would allow some to get back on the pulpit, to cry their story, "The devil made me do it, but I've repented and the good old me is back."  I say, horseshit.  You are the same old you.  You've ducked what you did by deflecting blame on a deity that can not be proved nor disproved and shirked all responsibility for what you've done. 

Now, the same old you is completely capable of changing your ways.  The same old you can become a person who does right, lives right and loves right... all without God, because it is ultimately up to you, the individual to choose to do right and to stick to it.  Maybe your faith in God holds you to it, but people who don't have God in their lives manage to live what would appear to be a Christian life.  The contribute to society, they are loving, caring, helpful.  They don't lie, they don't cheat,  and they don't harm and or kill people.  It's because they chose to live this way.

Something else that stuck me as weird today was that the person conducting the show I was listening to told a story of a friend who was involved in the church came out as gay.  He confessed his sin and his love for Jesus Christ and "prayed the gay away".  This person confessed that this person is now married and has a couple of kids.  Does anyone really believe that shit?  Secondly, what does it matter if this guy were gay?  Who would it matter too?  And if you've got nothing else to think about other than the peoples lives around you, its time for your ass and the rest of you a hobby!

You can't catch the gay.  You can't catch stupid.  You can't catch genius.  You have it or you don't and none of its a disease.  Apparently God gave it to you.  I tend to believe that things just are.  There is an old saying that I tend to think about.  "It is what it is."  It's not an excuse, because things just ARE.

I'm of reasonable intelligence.  Maybe I am being a bit to gracious.  Anyways, I am no genius by any stretch of the imagination.  But I have solved some problems in groups of people where someone obviously had to be 'smarter" than I.  I have also done some incredibly stupid shit in my day.  And as for "the gay".  It's hard to convince people that don't know you that you aren't gay when there is a picture of your big ass wearing a pink tu-tu.  Gay people are people too and they should be given the same respect and rights that we all have.

I think I figured this out about Christianity.  Christianity is so convoluted and confusing that someone took it upon themselves to edit the "Old Testament" in order to come up with a more forgiving standard... the "New Testament".  And I get it.  With things like wearing cotton and leather at the same time being a sin, something had to be done about that shit.  A good Christian wouldn't just ignore it, would they?  If they did, they could repent on Sunday and get on with life, I guess.  But wouldn't it just be a hell of a lot easier to not be a douche bag and not have to try to excuse yourself?  Wouldn't it be easier to just do your best to live right and be able to excuse yourself when you screw up?  Wouldn't it be easier to accept that we are going to screw up and are supposed to learn from our mistakes?

I'm just saying, God doesn't really have anything to do with any of the above.  Its decisions, like Spaghetti O's or Ravioli?  Do right or do wrong?  If you need God to help you choose between Spaghetti O's or Ravioli, you are living way too complicated of a life.  You need a little more psychiatry and a little less bible... By all means, keep hold of the good book, but realize that you get to take credit for the shit you do, both good and bad.

By the way.  I am done with Christian radio....


  1. Why Won't God Heal Amputees? http://whywontgodhealamputees.com

  2. God's in it for himself, plus he has to worry about the rail road spikes through his kids hands.
