Has anyone ever been to a professional baseball game? It's been decades for me, but I used to love hearing the vendors holler out "Hot dogs! Get your hot dogs here!" There was just something to the saying and even if you didn't want a hot dog, you felt somehow obligated to buy a damned hot dog.
Today, I feel someone is pitching "free stupid". Not that I am smarter than anyone, but I made a comment this morning on an article in the old home town paper. The article pertained to a rancher who quit paying his grazing fee's on a 600,000 acre grazing allotment some 20 or so years ago and now the feds are going to round up all of his cattle and get them off the land.
Now, anyone who knows me knows that I am no real big on government infringement. To me, the facts in this story are pretty simple however. The ranch was apparently established in the 50's This rancher decided in 1993 that he didn't like how the government was spending the money that he was paying in, and decided to stop. (That also means that until 1993, they were paying fees....) So, he quits paying the fees for about 20-21 years and you get what he is dealing with now.
I make a statement along the lines of, "you don't pay your fees like everyone else, sooner or later you're going to be dealing with the authorities.". Some mental midget replies to that statement with this.... "so you're saying that if a girl is getting gang raped, all girls should be gang raped?". Is that not the dumbest thing you've heard today?
I had to ask this mouth breathing, bus window licking, helmet with no chin strap wearing lower life form just how in the hell he equated a woman being raped to a jack ass not paying fees as equals. I also broke it to him that he was saying (according to his very own logic) that the "rapist" should get off with no fines, no prison time.
So I sat here for a good 2 hours and recanted everything I've heard today and I've heard some pretty dumb shit from some real assholes, but this clown takes the cake. He has convinced he that someone is handing out "free stupid" by the olympic sized swinning pools, and he cornered the market on the shit.
Ladies and gentlemen, I will go on the record by saying this. It is this brand of stupid that screws everything up in life. With this brand of stupid, you cannot expect the dim wit saying shit like this to have an understanding about anything more complicated than "greater than/less than". How do idiots like this dumb ass not drown on their own spit? I'm surprised that an idiot this stupid doesn't suffocate because he doesn't remember to breathe.
Folks, if you encounter this brand of stupid in person, you are obligated to purchase a copy of Dr. Seuss's "Go Dog Go" and offer the dunce a 3 minute reading lesson. Its the only way this country will be able to pull its head out of its ass and head for true north.
My name is Brice Dudley, and I approve this message.
(Mr. Dudley does have a problem with the government shutting down 600,000 acres to the general public because of this dumb ass and the dumb ass plan to try to gather up his 500 head of cattle. Something should have been done long before the 20 years and even a few dumb asses can come up with some kind of compromise.....)
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