What an unexpected blessing I had today! Really, it was the best of all unexpected treats! I had the opportunity to find out who Zahara is!!! (ZAW HAW RAW) I didn't know I could ever be so thankful after an event. Now I thank my lucky stars after meeting this little bundle of joy.
Zahara and her mommy were grocery shopping today when I ran into them. Actually, Zahara ran into me, literally. Her little head hit me just above the groin while I was trying to get out of her way. See, Zahara wasn't paying any attention to what she was doing and her mommy wasn't paying attention either. She was busy multitasking. She was blocking the isle so nobody could get by and texting on her cell phone. I could tell that Zahara and her mommy were having some special "mommy/Zahara" time because Zahara was throwing a fit over being told "no" to some toy she wanted.
So anyhow, little Zahara was having a hard time after being told no and was walking away from her mother, apparently to teach her some kind of lesson. Zahara was on the left side of the isle, so I moved to the right because she looked as if she meant business. She was screaming and stomping her feet while looking over her shoulder at "mommy". Zahara decided to change lanes and runs into me as I turn broad side to give her just a bit more room, for safe passage.
Poor Zahara looked startled when I made that wonderful noise one makes after being head butted in the nuts. Zahara's mommy looked at me like I kicked her puppy. See, it was my fault that Zahara ran into me. I could tell that because it was all over mommy's face. "Zahara, please come here.", mommy said but little precious Zahara was a little reluctant. Zahara instead said that she wanted a specific cereal and insisted that they go to the cereal isle at once! "Zahara, we made a deal about the cereal, remember?", mommy asked. Zahara was having none of it and she rounded the corner at the end of the isle only to run into someone pushing a basket.
This hurt poor little Zahara. You could tell from the fucking scream she let loose with. Mommy was real quick to rush to her little angels aid. Mommy threw the older lady the stink eye because it was obviously the ladies fault that Zahara was a little shit, throwing a fit. I laughed a little and moved mommy's shopping cart. Mommy said, "Hey, my purse is in there!" as if I was going to steal it and she wanted to affirm that it was indeed her purse and nobody elses. Besides, how much money can a teenage meth head mother really have?
I thanked her and told her that I was just moving her cart out of the way so people could get through, while she was busy tending to her wailing child. (Who was not hurt, by the way.) I then heard mommy say, "Zahara, its obvious that nobody is going to pay attention in this store today" removing any doubt that she and Zahara were obviously victims in today's grocery store encounters. She asked Zahara to "be a big girl" and to "come back over by the cart". She also let it be known that she was talking to Aunt Joanie and Aunt Joanie said they could come over and eat pizza later.
Wow! "What a day for little Zahara!" I thought. Fucking up where ever she goes in the grocery store and pizza at Aunt Joanie's house later!!! Zahara must have been elated. I moved far enough away that I could not hear the rest of the conversation, so I continued to grab the few items I came in for. I was going to try to sneak out without having to encounter Zahara and mommy again. To my pleasure, Zahara began throwing another fit, I'm guessing in the cereal isle. The distance was the give away because her wail was nowhere near as piercing as it was just a moment or two prior. It was one of those special 2 pitched wails that little kids do when they hold their breath for about a minute before cutting loose.
That little Zahara! What a blessing. And her mother? Such a treat to be around. I bet Aunt Joanie was just thrilled with anticipation of her next special visit with "Zahara the Fairy Princess" and her absolutely clueless mother.
I couldn't help but wonder, "where is daddy" through all of this. Then I remembered that any sane man probably threw himself off of the Snake River bridge right there in Alpine. I mourned his passing because this show was worthy of watching some dad have a complete melt down. As I exchanged money for goods, I thought that daddy was probably very much a part of Zahara's life. Mommy looked to be 17 so I was sure there was a responsible 17-18 year old father, never more proud of his gift from God.
I thanked the clerk, grabbed my goods and headed towards the door. I looked back over my shoulder as I heard Zahara's mommy trying to bribe her to "be a big girl". Zahara had that precious little snot bubble pulsating out of her left nostril, and tears all over her little cherub face. That made me glad. Glad to be alive. Glad to have had the opportunity to have my life blessed by a chance encounter with Zahara and her mommy. Glad that I had boys...
As night time nears, I can only imagine what nite-nite time looks like as Zahara's house. I bet mom is frazzled and I bet daddy wishes he would have invested $1.50 at the truck stop in Rock Springs for a condom. To that I say, "rest easy, daddy... the rest of your life will be filled with wonderment".
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