With any luck people, these are the sons a bitches that work there and hate their jobs. I am a little more than sick and tired of people complaining about Sams Club, but more sick and tired about the supposed employees that work there... of their own free will, that complain about the joint. If these are the people that got laid off, I bet none of them are smart enough to know that Sam did them a solid! You hate the joint, so they sent your ass into the difficult position of "free agency".
Are people swooping in to offer you a contract or a job? No? How could that be? Let us see....these people gave you a job, you bad mouthed the joint, say how shitty the outfit is and say negative shit about your co workers? Who wouldn't offer your complaining ass a job? (The answer is about 75% of the country, that's who!)
Here's the kicker people. If you think Walmart sucks, don't shop there and DO NOT APPLY FOR WORK there! This is not rocket surgery or brain science, dumb ass! If you go to a place you hate with a shitty impression of the place, with a shitty attitude and a shitty work ethic, you are going to stick out like a wiener stuck in a zipper. Do the whole world and your dumb ass self a favor, and look for work else where.
You applied there! They made you aware of the employment arrangement as soon as you accepted the job. They explained the wage and pay scale, the benefits package or lack there of and the hours you would be working... it was all explained to you. YOU took the position! This now assumed "shitty situation" is all of your doing! Accept it. They offered, you accepted... its all on you. Take some god damned responsibility and let the world know that YOU are at fault for accepting this alleged "shitty employment situation" of your own free will. (That would be honorable....)
I have had shitty jobs. One in particular was a big shitty job, but I applied for it right out of high school. During the closing of the interview, the interviewer told me that she and the "higher ups" would have a discussion and be back in touch within 2 days. I didn't get out of the parking lot before I got hired! Flattering, right? No... straight up stupid. I needed the work, the money was okay and the hours acceptable. The working environment sucked.
I'll keep the name of the place all to myself, but I was hired as a "runner". Basically, this joint had a group of "cold call" sales people who would call people, try to sell them shit and put their names in for a drawing for things the'd never win. It was beautiful.... And the good thing was, you had idiots that couldn't give a hobo a ham sandwich who were trying to sell and igloo to an eskimo. I got to deal with those people... got to make lunch orders, got to go help in the mail room and the most precious aspect of my job was to keep the vending machines full of sodas and bullshit to keep these jack asses fed.
Guess what? The job sucked hind tit and I was on the job hunt about 3 weeks after being hired. Fortunately someone was looking for a semi responsible half wit who would count and not send themselves to the hospital over a 2nd grade math problem, and they came looking for me! I left the hot house and went to work for a completely different outfit and learned a new skill set....
I'm over hearing about people complaining about their jobs... I am done with hearing about people complaining about shit that doesn't even concern them. "I really wish the Ethiopians had more water"... Go fuck yourself! We've been there drilling wells and we've tried to teach them shit, and we send them money! They keep fucking it up, so complain about that. Their corrupt government is screwing away the money that our government screwed away from us... do something about it and that does not include complaining! Got it?
Fat dude.... out!
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