Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Federal Reserve, happy birthday to you. Today is the 100 year anniversary of the Federal Reserve!!!! How exciting!!! It's almost kind of like Independence Day... well, that isn't exactly true. Actually, if you ask me? This isn't anything to be that joyous about. We have President Woodrow Wilson to thank for this debacle and I'd like to point something out really fast before I go and piss myself off talking about this shit.
What I'd like to point out is, if you operate under a bad money idea for 100 years, you get exactly what we have today! Isn't that great? You're right. No, it sucks a big one and I wanted to point this out too. "The Fed" will say that it is a separate entity from the Federal Government until it gets in trouble. Then, the 2 are synonymous. Yeah, you're right to not get too excited about that shit either.
All right kids! Put your reading helmet on and watch me try to limp through all of the bullshit I learned about the Fed. It's okay if you get lost. In fact, I think that is how the thing was meant to be. Keep us all guessing and we won't be able to pin anything down.
So here we go, kids. The Federal Reserve is kind of like the gate keeper of the national economy. Its the nations main bank. Essentially, it is every banks bank, and it is where money is generated. The Fed can affect the economy by raising or lowering the national interest rates or by printing or making more money which in turn devalues the dollar even further. All of this also affects things like the employment rates and manufacturing to some extent. You know what? Check out the following link. Its 3 minutes of your time, then get back to me on here.... Go ahead! Watch the thing!
So if you tuned into the link, some of the most critical information, I believe, is right up front. Basically the government makes a "note" and gives it to the Fed, the Fed prints money, takes profits right off the top, has other banks loan it out, takes money in interest from that and it keeps going and going!
Now, I am trying to wrap my head around this shit. I am by no means any kind of an expert and I hope most of you are miles down the road towards understanding this than I am.... but we ask the Fed to make money, tell them we will pay them interest on that money. From my standpoint.... the nation has no money. (Debt and deficit come into play a little bit.) So we need more. The Fed prints up more money, we go further in debt and we need the Fed to get to work again. See? It's cyclical and as long as we keep taking loans out on money there isn't any sign of, we keep devaluing the dollar and go further and further in the hole.
Isn't that a great program? We keep doing the same thing and we keep getting the same results... fucking brilliant, right? So why don't we change this? Seriously... I'm asking, why don't we change this? One could only guess but on one level this feeds into the 'one world government' conspiracy. We'll need someone with some real money to come and bail our asses out of trouble, and the next thing you know America is riding "bitch" in a small import truck.
If the government wanted, it could pay this debt off by printing all of the money to do that. The current system won't allow that because the government doesn't issue money... the Fed does. Take a look at the following link.... then get back to me again. This one requires some reading.
The thing with this bullshit is, the more you read it makes you feel like you keep finding toe nails in your pizza! It doesn't get any better as you read on. It's kind of like government as a whole. The more you learn the more you hope to high hell, you can forget.
In closing, President Woodrow Wilson gave the nation a kick ass case of financial herpes. The son of a bitch looks like its getting better.... maybe... a little itch here and there, so no big deal. We put a bit of salve on it. Out of nowhere, FULL BLOWN BREAK OUT!!!! Seeping blisters all over the national genitalia and its keeps spreading and spreading. Pretty soon you've got it so bad, you can't sit down.
That is what we are experiencing today kids. National Herpes! Don't worry though. That pervert Uncle Sam will help out somehow.
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